Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 1991. Directed by James Cameron. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Robert Patrick, and Edward Furlong. SYNOPSIS: Terminator 2 is available for the 1,000th time on home video in a 4K edition that also includes a Blu-ray disc and a code for a digital copy. If you’re not a fan of the […]
Terminator 2: Judgment Day coming to 4K with exclusive EndoArm packaging
Lionsgate has announced that director James Cameron’s iconic sci-fi action classic Terminator 2: Judgment Day is set for release a Limited Collector’s Edition EndoArm box set including a 4K Ultra HD Combo Pack this July. SUPPORT FLICKERING MYTH: Order via Amazon US or Amazon UK Only 6,000 of the Limited Collector’s Edition EndoArm box sets will […]
Cinema’s Damaged Heroine
Sarah Myles on cinema’s damaged heroine… “Badass.” As a word, it has become synonymous with determined women in movies. Why? Because that is how critics routinely describe them. “Black Widow gets extra bad-ass in this Avengers 2 trailer,” said Rob Bricken of i09. In Atomic Blonde, Charlize Theron plays “a career badass who enjoys both […]
Exclusive Interview – Screenwriter William Wisher on Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Coinciding with the home-entertainment release of Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D, Flickering Myth’s Martin Carr chats with screenwriter William Wisher about the 1991 sci-fi action classic… Martin Carr: Hi William. How did you and James Cameron first meet and subsequently get involved with the Terminator franchise? William Wisher: Well the short version is I first […]
Blu-ray Review – Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D (1991)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D, 1991. Directed by James Cameron. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, Joe Morton, and Robert Patrick. SYNOPSIS: Years after Sarah Connor was stalked by a Terminator, a machine sent from a future where an AI has subjugated humanity, she must now prevent another, more powerful Terminator from killing her […]
Why Do So Many Sequels Disappoint?
Neil Calloway looks at why so few sequels are better than the films that precede them… With the advance word on Blade Runner 2049 good, with some saying it’s at least the equal of the original (read our review here), it’s got me thinking why so few sequels surpass the first film. In theory, it […]
Flickering Myth Film Class: How To Edit Action
Tom Jolliffe begins a series of film classes. This week, featuring a guide on how to edit action scenes… In a new recurrent series, Film Class, I will take you through a guide on various topics relating to all manner of differing film aspects. From everything in front, or behind the camera, during shoot or […]
The Genesis of the Excessively Long Action Scene
Tom Jolliffe on the genesis of the excessively long action scene… It has become almost the norm now. The majority of large-scale action blockbusters will have a hugely elaborate, and extremely long set piece in them. In fact some may have several. It used to be that maybe 5-10 minutes at the end of a […]
A newbie’s guide to Terminator 2: Judgment Day
As the James Cameron classic returns in 3D this week, Freda Cooper has a guide for the uninitiated….. Every film fan has a gap in their knowledge: it’s nigh-on impossible to see everything, no matter how hard you try. So, ladies and gentlemen, I present a recently filled chasm in my film-going history. Terminator 2: Judgment […]
Terminator 2 at 25: Revisiting Cinema’s Greatest Sequel
Edward Gardiner revisits Terminator 2: Judgment Day on its 25th anniversary… *Spoilers for the Terminator franchise There was a time, if you remember, when James Cameron wasn’t weirdly obsessed with those funny blue aliens over on Pandora. Back in the early ’90s, when Tarantino was paving his way into Hollywood and Spielberg was bringing dinosaurs back to life, Cameron […]