Tom Jolliffe on the frustrating trends in modern trailers, and why Christopher Nolan does things the right way… Things are a little funny in the world of cinema right now. It’s quite difficult to get too excited about anything, or at least the prospect of a big ‘event’ movie for the big screen. All that […]
Why I Hate Being Told To ”Stop Watching Trailers”
Harrison Abbott on movie trailers and spoilers… Has it ever occurred to you that a sizeable portion of modern movie trailers are almost deliberately calibrated to ruin their respective films? Sure it has! You’re a vaguely cognisant person with at least a few remaining brain cells. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to read (Disclaimer: if […]
Bad Movies & Bad Content: There Has To Be Consequences
Samuel Brace on bad movies on bad content… There has to be consequences for making a bad movie. There just has to. Consequences for bad movies, bad TV shows, bad video games, whatever. If a studio produces a movie, a bad one, one that is below a certain standard, a standard that we are not […]