The sequel to the horror film Black Phone has added a new member to its cast. Arianna Rivas (Levon’s Trade) will be joining returning director Scott Derrickson and star Ethan Hawke for The Black Phone 2. Released in 2021, The Black Phone followed a young boy who is abducted by a neighborhood killer, the Grabber (played by […]
Scott Derrickson is back for The Black Phone 2
In one of 2022’s scariest outings, Scott Derrickson’s The Black Phone was a smash hit for Blumhouse. While a sequel was obvious, it wasn’t confirmed that Derrickson would return for another outing. After some hesitation, it seems like confirmation has come in the form of one of the film’s producers. Speaking to, franchise producer […]
Ethan Hawke and the original cast answer the call for The Black Phone 2
Ethan Hawke (Training Day), Mason Thames (Doctor Strange), Madeleine McGraw (Secrets of Sulphur Springs), Jeremy Davies (LOST) and Miguel Mora (The Black Phone) are all set to reprise their roles for The Black Phone 2. When Scott Derrickson’s The Black Phone defied the post-pandemic box-office landscape to gross $161M worldwide, off a Blumhouse-level budget of […]