Saban Films has released a trailer, poster and images for The Flood, the upcoming disaster thriller from director Brandon Slagle. The film centres on a group of guards and their in-transit prisoners as they are forced to take refuge in a small town jail during a hurricane, where they find themselves the target of a […]
Exclusive clip from The Flood featuring Lena Headey and Iain Glen
Ahead of its digital release in the U.S. this Friday, we’ve got an exclusive clip from the British immigration drama The Flood featuring former Game of Thrones co-stars Lena Headey and Iain Glen; check it out here courtesy of Samuel Goldwyn Films, and be sure to head on over to our YouTube channel for more […]
Lena Headey stars in new trailer for The Flood
With a little over two weeks to go until its US digital release, a trailer has arrived online for director Anthony Woodley’s upcoming drama The Flood which stars Game of Thrones’ Lena Headey as an immigration officer who is given the job of uncovering whether Haile (Ivanno Jeremiah) has a sinister reason for seeking asylum; […]
Game of Thrones’ Lena Headey and Iain Glen star in trailer for immigration drama The Flood
Ahead of its UK release next month, a poster and trailer have arrived online for director Anthony Woodley’s upcoming drama The Flood which stars Game of Thrones’ Lena Headey and Iain Glen alongside Ivanno Jeremiah (Humans) and Arsher Ali (The Ritual); take a look here… Wendy (Lena Headey), a hardened immigration officer is offered a […]