The Good Mother, 2023. Directed by Miles Joris-Peyrafitte. Starring Hilary Swank, Olivia Cooke, Jack Reynor, Dilone, Hopper Penn, Norm Lewis, Karen Aldridge, Frank Alfano, Laurent Rejto, Nate Francis, Mikayla Schaefer, and Cliff Ware. SYNOPSIS: A journalist who, after the murder of her estranged son, forms an unlikely alliance with his pregnant girlfriend to track down […]
Hilary Swank hunts her son’s murderers in The Good Mother trailer
Vertical has debuted a trailer for The Good Mother, the upcoming thriller from director Miles Joris-Peyrafitte which sees Hilary Swank as a woman who joins forces with her murdered son’s girlfriend (Olivia Cooke) to track down the people responsible for his death. Watch the trailer below… The Good Mother follows journalist Marissa Bennings (Hilary Swank) […]