Sky Cinema has released a UK trailer for the political thriller The Independent. Directed by Amy Rice, the film follows an idealistic young journalist (Jodie Turner-Smith), as she is given the opportunity to work with a veteran political columnist (Brian Cox), together the pair uncover a financial conspiracy that places the fate of the US […]
Peacock shares first look at political thriller The Independent starring John Cena, Jodie Turner-Smith and Brian Cox
Peacock has snapped up the distribution rights to The Independent, the upcoming political thriller from director Amy Rice. The film follows a young reporter (Jodie Turner-Smith) as she teams up with a legendary journalist (Brian Cox) when she uncovers a conspiracy surrounding a U.S. Presidential candidate (John Cena) that could change the fate of the […]
John Cena and Kathy Bates to run for President in thriller The Independent
John Cena (The Suicide Squad) and Kathy Bates (Misery) are set to portray Presidential candidates in The Independent, a political thriller starring Brian Cox (Succession) and Jodie Turner-Smith (Queen & Slim). Directed by Amy Rice (By The People: The Election of Barack Obama) and from a Black List script by Evan Parter, The Independent is […]