Three Christs, 2020. Directed by Jon Avnet. Starring Walton Goggins, Peter Dinklage, Richard Gere, Julianna Margulies, Bradley Whitford, Charlotte Hope, Christina Scherer, Jane Alexander, Kathryn Leigh Scott, and Julian Acosta. SYNOPSIS: Three Christs follows Dr. Alan Stone who is treating three paranoid schizophrenic patients at the Ypsilanti State Hospital in Michigan, each of whom believed […]
Peter Dinklage, Walton Goggins and Bradley Whitford all think they’re Jesus in Three Christs trailer
IFC Films has released a trailer for director Jon Avent’s upcoming drama Three Christs. Based on Milton Rokeach’s book-length psychiatric case study The Three Christs of Ypsilanti, it stars Peter Dinklage, Walton Goggins, and Bradley Whitford as three schizophrenic patients who each believe they are Jesus, along with Richard Gere as the psychiatrist treating them; […]