As revealed by Deadline, HBO Max is prepping a feature film adaptation of Throttle, the novella from Joe Hill and his father Stephen King, with Leigh Dana Jackson (Raising Dion) set to write the script. First published in the 2009 Richard Matheson tribute anthology He Is Legend, Throttle pits “a faceless trucker against a tribe […]
IDW adapts Stephen King, Joe Hill and Richard Matheson with Road Rage, check out a preview here
IDW adapts Joe Hill and Stephen King’s Throttle and Richard Matheson’s Duel this week in the graphic novel Road Rage, which collects the 2012 issues Road Rage: Throttle #1 and #2, plus Road Rage: Duel issues #3 and #4; check out a preview here… On the isolated road of the American highway… terror rides on 18 wheels! […]
Stephen King and Joe Hill’s Throttle heading to the big screen
Production company A Bigger Boat has optioned the rights to Throttle, a novella from Stephen King and his son Joe Hill, with THR reporting that producer Emile Gladstone has tapped John Scott III (Maggie) to pen the script for a big screen adaptation. Originally published in 2009 as part of a Richard Matheson tribute and inspired […]