Dynamite Entertainment’s ThunderCats: Cheetara #5 is out on Wednesday; get yourself a sneak peek at the issue below… With her visions of a potential apocalypse becoming ever clearer as the years wear on, Cheetara sets herself to preparing with Jaga as best they can for the challenges that lie ahead — all the while knowing […]
Comic Book Preview – ThunderCats: Cheetara #4
Dynamite Entertainment releases ThunderCats: Cheetara #4 on Wednesday, and you can take a look at the official preview of the issue below… With her training of Lion-O beginning to bear fruit, Cheetara begins putting more of her focus onto her own development. As she hones her physical and psychic skills under the guidance of Jaga, […]
Comic Book Preview – ThunderCats: Cheetara #3
Dynamite Entertainment releases ThunderCats: Cheetara #3 this Wednesday, and you can take a look at the official preview of the issue below… As Cheetara becomes more conscious of her hidden powers, she is also increasingly troubled by apocalyptic visions of the future. Goaded on by these haunting dreams, she ramps up her training of the […]
Comic Book Preview – ThunderCats: Cheetara #2
Dynamite Entertainment releases ThunderCats: Cheetara #2 on Wednesday, and you can check out the official preview of the issue below… As a member of Thundera’s ruling class, Cheetara was early on betrothed to a suiter appropriate to her station. There was no love in the match, but she understood the value of a suitable companion. […]
Comic Book Preview – ThunderCats: Cheetara #1
Dynamite Entertainment expands its new ThunderCats universe this coming week with the launch of the new solo series ThunderCats: Cheetara, and you can get yourself an early sneak peek at the first issue with the official preview below… Cheetara of the ThunderCats is renowned as a fierce warrior, famous for her lightning-fast speed. But before […]