Curtain, 2015. Directed by Jaron Henrie-McCrea. Starring Danni Smith, Tim Lueke, Rick Zahn and Martin Monahan. SYNOPSIS: A young woman buys an apartment and discovers a portal to another dimension that likes eating shower curtains. No, really… Otherwise known as The Gateway, Curtain is an odd little movie that clearly has some big ideas lurking […]
Movie Review – Curtain (2015)
Curtain, 2015. Directed by Jaron Henrie-McCrea. Starring Danni Smith, Tim Lueke, Martin Monahan and Rick Zahn. SYNOPSIS: An ex-nurse moves into a new apartment but when her shower curtains keep disappearing, she discovers a portal to another dimension in her bathroom. Yes, this film is as bat-shit crazy as the synopsis would suggest. Curtain (also […]