Back in Action, 2025. Directed by Seth Gordon. Starring Cameron Diaz, Jamie Foxx, McKenna Roberts, Rylan Jackson, Glenn Close, Kyle Chandler, Andrew Scott, Jamie Demetriou, Fola Evans-Akingbola, Anna Stadler, Tom Brittney, Adam Basil, Erol Ismail, Lee Charles, Alfredo Tavares, Ruth Clarson, Pierre Bergman, Julia Westcott-Hutton, Katrina Durden, Poppy Townsend White, Robert Besta, Bashir Salahuddin, Ben […]
Superman: Legacy screen tests narrow Lois & Clark candidates
Superman: Legacy is close to landing its titular hero and famous love interest. A new story states that the first in-person tests with DC co-heads Peter Safran and James Gunn will happen very soon, and a gaggle of actors previously reported to be in contention are seemingly still in the race. Deadline reports that the […]
Movie Review – Greyhound (2020)
Greyhound, 2020. Directed by Aaron Schneider. Starring Tom Hanks, Stephen Graham, Tom Brittney, Rob Morgan, and Elisabeth Shue. SYNOPSIS: Early in World War II, an inexperienced U.S. Navy captain must lead an Allied convoy being stalked by Nazi U-boat wolfpacks. As peculiar and unexpected a year as 2020 has been for, well, everything, few among us […]
Movie Review – Greyhound (2020)
Greyhound, 2020. Directed by Aaron Schneider. Starring Tom Hanks, Stephen Graham, Tom Brittney, Rob Morgan and Elisabeth Shue. SYNOPSIS: A convoy of Allied ships fights off U-boats while crossing the Atlantic Ocean in 1942. If you need a dependable authority figure in a military or maritime scenario, you call Tom Hanks. From Saving Private Ryan […]
Movie Review – Greyhound (2020)
Greyhound, 2020. Directed by Aaron Schneider. Starring Tom Hanks, Stephen Graham, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Lee Norris, Karl Glusman, Tom Brittney, Alex Kramer, Rob Morgan, Devin Druid, and Elisabeth Shue. SYNOPSIS: Early in World War II, an inexperienced U.S. Navy captain must lead an Allied convoy being stalked by Nazi U-boat wolfpacks. On one hand, Greyhound provides […]