Sacrifice, 2021. Directed by Andy Collier and Toor Mian. Starring Barbara Crampton, Ludovic Hughes, Sophie Stevens, Dag Sorlie, Erik Iundin, Jack Kristiansen, Johanna Adde Dahl, and Lukas Loughran. SYNOPSIS: In this Lovecraftian horror, Isaac (Ludovic Hughes) returns to the small Norwegian island where he grew up. He is staying for a few weeks with his […]
East End Film Festival Movie Review – Charismata (2018)
Charismata, 2018 Directed by Andy Collier and Toor Mian Starring Sarah Beck Mather, Jamie Satterthwaite, Adonis Anthony, Johnny Vivash, Ross Mullan, Sean Knopp SYNOPSIS: When a troubled police detective (Sarah Beck Mather) gets embroiled in the case of a potential serial killer, whose motivation appears to be driven by Satanism, she struggles to maintain her […]