Image and Top Cow have announced that writer Tini Howard and artist Ryan Cady are to launch an all-new series this March for Magdalena, the popular Top Cow superheroine known for her early appearances in The Darkness and Witchblade. MAGDALENA follows “The Magdalena” a powerful individual who has always defended the world from demonic evil, […]
Image and Top Cow to cross over Think Tank, Postal and The Tithe with Eden’s Fall
Image Comics and Top Cow have announced that its three-issue crossover series Eden’s Fall is set to get underway in August, combining three of Top Cow’s most provocative titles – Think Tank, The Tithe and Postal – in one unflinching tale of revenge and consequence. THE TITHE’s FBI Agent James Miller follows a sociopath into […]
Blood Stain Vol.1 arriving in print for the first time from Top Cow
Arriving in mid-March from Top Cow Comics is Linda Sejic’s creator-owned project Blood Stain Vol. 1; yes, this long running web comic is finally coming to print for the very first time! In the same “universe” as Sunstone, Blood Stain comes to print in a series of quarterly original graphic novels! Mad science at […]
Comic Book Review – Witchblade #181
Villordsutch reviews Witchblade #181… We come to Witchblade: Darkness Falls: The Death of Jackie of Estacado (Pt.2) and as with all two-parters there is going to be that slight sense of dread creeping in as you wonder if this closing section is going to be as brilliant as the opener. As Part One certainly carried a huge punch […]
Comic Book Review – IXth Generation #2
Villordsutch reviews IXth Generation #2… Aphrodite IX has the Witchblade and several other Artifacts have also appeared, destroying the delicately balanced utopia. Who is wielding the Darkness and why is it so hellbent on killing all of the IXs? To start on a positive with IXth Generation #2, the art from Stjepan Sejic is absolutely […]
Comic Book Review – Witchblade #180
Villordsutch reviews Witchblade #180… DARKNESS FALLS IN WITCHBLADE! In another life Jackie Estacado was Sara Pezzini’s lover and the father of her child. Now he has used the power of the Darkness to endanger the whole of human existence and only the Witchblade can stop him. Here at last is the untold story…The Death Of […]
Image Comics bonds with Sandstone and Stjepan Sejic
Lesbian sexual bondage webcomic Sandstone will be getting the graphic novel treatment courtesy of Image Comics/Top Cow. Ally and Lisa are happy, well-adjusted young women, but they’re both a little lonely. Ally loves the creativity of being a “domme” in her sex life but hasn’t found the right person to share it with. And Lisa… Well, […]