Hasbro has unveiled five upcoming additions to its Transformers Studio Series line – Optimus Prime figures from Transformers: Age of Extinction and Transformers: Devastation joined by Shockwave (Transformers: Dark of the Moon), Wheeljack (Transformers: Dark of the Moon), and Ironhide (Transformers: War for Cybertron) – along with the Transformers Generations Selects Age of the Primes Titan’s Return […]
New Transformers Studio Series figures unveiled at New York Comic Con
As well as its upcoming Transformers Collaborative mash-ups with Star Wars and Naruto, Hasbro unveiled four new additions to its Transformers Studio Series line this past weekend at New York Comic Con, which includes figures from Transformers: The Movie, Rise of the Beasts, War for Cybertron, and Dark of the Moon; check them out here […]
Transformers 6-Movie SteelBook Collection hitting 4K Ultra HD in May
Ahead of the release of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Paramount Pictures has announced that fans of the action adventure franchise can get their hands on the Transformers 6-Movie SteelBook Collection in May, which features Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Transformers: Age of Extinction, Transformers: The Last Knight, and […]
Michael Bay reveals he “made too many” Transformers movies and Spielberg told him to “stop at three”
Currently basking in the aftermath of some of the best critical reactions to one of his movies in a long time for Ambulance (read our review here), Michael Bay has been reflecting on his five-film Transformers legacy, admitting that “they were fun to do” but he “made too many of them”. He of the hyperactive […]
Michael Bay’s Transformers Franchise Is Even Worse Than We Remember
Red Stewart delves into why Bayformers was really that bad… It’s been close to four years since the latest Michael Bay-directed Transformers film, and yet their legacy lives on. Bay decided to imbue these flicks with dumb insults and crass humor, and so his work deserves to be critiqued forever. Here are five of the […]
Below the Scrotum: The Most Atrocious Moments in Michael Bay’s Transformers Movies
Red Stewart presents five of the worst moments in Bayformers… We know, we know, at this point in pop culture and cinematic history it’s low hanging fruit. Picking on action director Michael Bay’s five Transformers films, colloquially referred to as “Bayformers,” is one of the easiest things any individual or amateur critic can do. But, […]
Hasbro unveils new Transformers: Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Ectotron collaboration and Studio Series figures
This past Friday, Hasbro unveiled its newest Transformers action figure offerings including an all-new Ghostbusters collaboration figure featuring the mashup character Ecto-1 Ectotron, which comes with issue #1 of the crossover comic book Transformers/Ghostbusters complete with an exclusive Ghostbusters: Afterlife-inspired variant cover. Check out the official promotional images below, along with a look at the […]
Hasbro reveals new Transformers movie universe Studio Series figures
Hasbro has unveiled a new wave of Transformers Studio Series figures which includes Hot Rod from Transformers: The Last Knight, Soundwave from Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Bumblebee from Michael Bay’s first Transformers movie, and an Arcee, Chromia, and Elita-1 3-pack from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, all of which will go on sale January […]
The incredibly convoluted continuity of the Transformers franchise
Ricky Church on the incredibly convoluted continuity of the Transformers franchise… Since 2007, Michael Bay has been at the helm of the Transformers film franchise, delivering five instalments of Optimus Prime and his Autobot allies. Transformers: The Last Knight has promised to reveal the hidden history between the Cybertronian race and Earth and “why they […]