DreamWorks Animation and 20th Century Fox have announced the voice cast for the upcoming animated musical comedy Trolls, which is set to feature Anna Kendrick (Poppy), Gwen Stefani (DJ Suki), Icona Pop (Fashionistas), James Corden (Biggie), Justin Timberlake (Branch), Kunal Nayaar (Guy Diamond), Ron Funches (Cooper) and Russell Brand (Creek). DreamWorks Animation’s TROLLS is […]
Justin Timberlake joins Anna Kendrick for musical animation Trolls
Justin Timberlake has joined the cast of animated musical comedy Trolls, a new film from DreamWorks Animation based on the famous dolls. Timberlake joins the film as Branch, a troll who is hiding “his surprising true colours”. Anna Kendrick (Pitch Perfect 2) is also part of the cast as Princess Poppy, who journeys with Branch outside […]