PBS has released a trailer for Alice & Jack, the upcoming drama series from Victor Levin (Mad Men). Starring Andrea Riseborough and Domhnall Gleeson, the series explores how the relationship between Alice and Jack plays out over 15 years and the emotional complexities of its highs and lows. Watch the trailer below… “Alice & Jack […]
Movie Review – Destination Wedding (2018)
Destination Wedding, 2018. Directed by Victor Levin. Starring Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder, Dj Dallenbach and Ted Dubost. SYNOPSIS: Two misanthropic singletons bond over their mutual dislike for each other at an opulent wedding in an idyllic paradise. Cinema loves a good dose of misanthropic sniping, with memorable characters littered throughout decades of cinema who enjoy […]
Movie Review – Destination Wedding (2018)
Destination Wedding, 2018. Written and Directed by Victor Levin. Starring Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves. SYNOPSIS: The story of two miserable and unpleasant wedding guests, Lindsay and Frank, who develop a mutual affection despite themselves. Destination Wedding isn’t just a one-note, one-joke dramedy, as it’s also a repetitive slog where the script/direction from Victor Levin structures […]
First trailer for Destination Wedding starring Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder
The first trailer has debuted for writer-director Victor Levin’s upcoming romantic comedy Destination Wedding which marks the fourth big screen collaboration between Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder; watch it here… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB0k8vKm_Z4&feature=youtu.be DESTINATION WEDDING reunites two of Hollywood’s most adored stars, Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder, as the socially awkward Frank and Lindsay. When they meet on their way […]