Blue Fox Entertainment has shared a poster and trailer for Wake Up, the upcoming slasher horror from the filmmaking collective RKSS (Turbo Kid, Summer of 84). The film sees a group of young environmental activists attempt to vandalise a furniture store to make a statement, unaware they are trapped inside the building with its hunting-obsessed […]
Horror film Wake Up gets a poster and trailer
A poster and trailer have been released for writer-director Joe W Nowland’s upcoming horror Wake Up which stars Kelly Frances Fischer, Scott Broughton, and Traci L. Newman; check them out here… When a psychiatric doctor researches a young girls’ diary to find out why she murdered her entire family, he begins to fall into the […]
Jonathan Rhys Meyers to star in mystery thriller Wake Up
THR is reporting that Jonathan Rhys Meyers (The Tudors, Dracula) is set for the lead in Wake Up, a mystery-thriller which will mark the directorial debut of Fedor Lyass, cinematographer on 2015’s Hardcore Henry. According to the site, the film will see Meyers as “a John Doe who wakes in a hospital bed with no […]