Gaijin Entertainment has released the new Hornet’s Sting update for their massive multiplayer online shooter War Thunder. This latest update introduces new jet fighters from China, Russia and the US as well as plenty of other military vehicles. Watch the new trailer below to see more of these new vehicles. Introduced in this latest update is […]
Operation H.E.A.T. event underway for War Thunder
An August of excitement is underway for War Thunder players as the Operation H.E.A.T. event brings six new and exclusive vehicles, camouflages, decals and plenty of in-game tasks. The event is underway now and will run until 26th August. There’s a variety of exclusive new war machines of tactical significance that will be available during this event, these […]
War Thunder update 1.73 brings the French into the battle
With British, German, US and other nation’s vehicles and planes roaring over the battle fields of War Thunder, the latest update for this MMO combat game will introduce the French as the game’s seventh nation. Update 1.73 will include over 30 French aircraft from the late 30’s to modern jets plus many planes that didn’t […]
War Thunder’s New E.R.A with Update 1.71
Gaijin Entertainment have announced the release of the 1.71 New E.R.A update for their vehicle MMOG War Thunder. This latest update introduces lots of new tanks and aircraft, new locations and opens up Rank VI for modern ground vehicles. A new video has been released to provide more details on this update, and you can watch it below… The […]
War Thunder commemorates the Battle of Britain with a huge event
If you are a War Thunder fan then make sure you get playing this weekend as an epic event is underway commemorating the anniversary of the Battle of Britain. This event is underway now and will run until 7am GMT on the 18th September and promises plenty of trophies as rewards. Developer Gaijin Entertainment have […]