Bull, 2020. Directed by Annie Silverstein. Starring Rob Morgan, Amber Havard, Sarah Albright, Steven Boyd, Troy Hogan, Keira Bennett, Roishaun Davenport, Karla Garbelotto, Peggy Schott, Lee Stringer, Rachel McClure, Reece McClure, and Yolanda Ross. SYNOPSIS: In a near-abandoned subdivision west of Houston, a wayward teen runs headlong into her equally willful and unforgiving neighbor, an […]
Movie Review – The Bad Batch (2017)
The Bad Batch, 2017. Written and Directed by Ana Lily Amirpour Starring Suki Waterhouse, Jason Momoa, Keanu Reeves, Jim Carrey, Giovanni Ribisi, Jayda Fink, Cory Roberts, Yolanda Ross, and Diego Luna SYNOPSIS: A dystopian love story in a Texas wasteland and set in a community of cannibals. Before even getting into how artistically weird yet […]