The Boy and the Heron, 2023. Written and Directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Featuring the voice talents of Soma Santoki, Aimyon, Ko Shibasaki, Masaki Suda, Takuya Kimura, Yoshino Kimura, Keiko Takeshita, Jun Fubuki, Sawako Agawa, Karen Takizawa, Shinobu Otake, Jun Kunimura, Kaoru Kobayashi, and Shōhei Hino. SYNOPSIS: Through encounters with his friends and uncle, follows a […]
Movie Review – The Boy and the Heron (2023)
The Boy and the Heron, 2023. Directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Featuring of the voice talents of Soma Santoki, Masaki Suda, Aimyon, and Yoshino Kimura. SYNOPSIS: Through encounters with his friends and uncle, The Boy and the Heron follows a teenage boy’s psychological development. He enters a magical world with a talking grey heron after finding […]