3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Harry Potter is another film franchise that could’ve easily had a few entries on this list, with the first film being an event I remember being a part of during its initial release. But none of the movies in this beloved series came with as much anticipation as the conclusion to the series, The Deathly Hallows Part 2. Every moviegoer needed to see how the story would end, even if they read about it in the books.
The power of the Harry Potter fans allowed this movie to make mass amounts of money, the highest in the franchise and remains the 10th highest-grossing movie at the time of writing. More than just money though, The Deathly Hallows Part 2 earned most of its event status by the fan reaction. Tears shed, cheers let out; this movie touched everyone and feels like a genuinely once-in-a-lifetime moment. It feels impossible to capture the magic of seeing the actors and characters grow like this.
2. Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Keeping it to one film per franchise made it nearly impossible to do with the Star Wars franchise. Almost every time one of the movies is released, it feels like the craziest thing in the world at the time. The first comeback in 1999 with The Phantom Menace almost took the Star Wars spot, but think back to 2015 and remember the massive hype for the first Star Wars film under the Disney umbrella.
Yes, The Force Awakens is something the Star Wars franchise will likely never capture again as it was a moment in time for the series and the fans. The opening day numbers alone prove that as it brought in about $119 million, a record it still holds to this day. Star Wars merchandise and fan conversation dominated the last part of 2015 and the early part of 2016, and you couldn’t avoid this film at any costs. If Disney does one thing right, it’s getting people to talk about their big event films!
1. Avengers: Endgame
The Disney/Marvel brand is an unstoppable force in Hollywood. Since it began to pick up steam with 2012’s The Avengers, Marvel Studios’ grew as one of the most impressive hitmakers today. 2018’s Infinity War felt like a massive moment for the brand as it promised epic franchise-changing moments and ended with a crazy cliffhanger. And now, the newest film Endgame is arriving even stronger!
Before its release, Avengers: Endgame broke records for pre-sale tickets and social media hype. Even its first-day release in China broke records there. Every diehard fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is looking forward to the film, and even casual moviegoers are getting sucked into the hype. No one wants to feel excluded from what seems to be the biggest superhero film ever. This movie is genuinely the first time that Avatar seemed threatened for its highest-grossing throne.
What is the biggest “event movie” of all time? Is there a film that’s a real moment in history? Let your feelings known in the comments below or on Twitter @FlickeringMyth…
EJ Moreno