Jessie Robertson reviews the ninth episode of The Flash season 3…
Some Things are Just Multi-Versal….
Tonight’s Winter finale was like coming home from a long vacation abroad; there is a lot to unpack! But, lately The Flash is back to enveloping us in so many storylines and still putting a nice big bow of emotion on top, it’s easy to see why this show is absolutely dominating in the ratings for its time slot and demographic. Since the first time we saw Barry Allen on this show, he was with Iris; and now tonight, when he revealed “The Present” we see that is going to be a reality, for them, but for how long?
The show really begins cinematically, filling in Julian’s background as a man who hears the voice; the call of Alchemy, or so we think. He is drawn to finding the Philosopher’s Stone (is that an HP reference or just happy accident?) which we find out in a clever bit of storytelling is the conduit through which Savitar moves, or lives, we still don’t know how he can do everything he can do. Julian lost his sister at a young age, but she returned to him and convinced him the Stone was the only way they can be together; as Julian is locked in the Meta-Prison, Dante, Cisco’s lost brother, shows up and convinces him to free him and reunite them as well. It was a very cool sequence that felt heavy and shocking, and again, like something playing out in a big budget film. Savitar is released and wreaks havoc on Team Flash until Caitlin talks him back into reality. Julian is then told he’s Alchemy, but Alchemy isn’t even Alchemy; he’s being used by Savitar to bring him back from whatever place he comes from. It’s a layered, twisty plot turn that ups the intrigue factor on Savitar 10-fold for me, even if he does look like Starscream’s less fashionable cousin.
Wally is racing around the fringes of this episode as well and it’s welcome this time. His training with HR seems to be complete by episode’s end (Yoda he’s not) and he’s even mixed it up with Savitar; his plot line with the Wests is pretty mundane but it has to move through the paces. Dad-Joe doesn’t want his son to be the new speedster in town with no idea how to use his powers and he’s only known him a year, he can’t lose him already. But HR’s pep talk enlightens Joe to something which he already knew: you can’t tell your kid No and expect them to listen; hence another “Present” in Wally’s own speed-suit and name- Yes, Kid Flash is sticking. Wally nearly audibly groans as big sister Iris cheers it on, as a big sister would.
Jay Garrick is also a welcome change and Barry has no problem breaking down barriers to other Earth’s nowadays when he needs help. When we still look at Jay on screen, he’s Henry Allen, in many ways, so to give Barry that father figure in a situation where Joe can’t help him (Speed Force stuff), it’s the perfect guest star. Jay even shows he’s a very formidable speedster when taking some of Savitar’s punishment and regaling Barry with tales from the Speed Force, which information on how that works is always welcome…unless it changes to fit the writer’s needs. Jay also gives Barry more advice that he already knew (come on Wests, get it together) these monsters, Savitar, Alchemy, are always lurking, but why keep and consistently ignoring your beautiful girlfriend who’s obviously in love with you? Can any CW romance ever not be doomed to fail right from the beginning? Barry’s mood changes for the better after they throw the Philosopher’s Stone into the Speed Force and he catches a glimpse of his future, 5 months to be exact (May Sweeps!) as Iris is impaled by Savitar as Barry watches. Grim stuff. But, it somehow perks Barry up to make the most of his time with Iris and he leases them an apartment (since he’ll be earning a paycheck again, thanks to new friend (?) Julian).
Can we really leave off w/o mentioning this guy? Mark Hamill brilliantly returns as the Trickster of E-3, to be awesome, as he does, and to try to once again, not make us think of Trickster as basically the Joker – his makeup and costume job was outstanding and enriched every bit of the 90 seconds or so he was on screen.
9.5/10- This one had it all; heart, drama, intrigue and more Julian- he’s a tricky character to watch but one I’m curious to see evolved
Other Notes:
– Can we get a Grandma Esther recipe book already???
– Joe’s Peanut gallery seriously throwing shade at his slow-ass game!
– Great nod to the comics when HR tells Wally he’s faster than Barry, as Wally does rank higher on the speed scale than Barry in continuity (But, I believe Bart leaves them both in the dust)
– It’s not a point touched on yet, but I believe Earth-3 (in DC Continuity) is the home of the Crime Syndicate, the villain versions of the Justice League: Owlman, Ultraman, Power Ring, etc…..that could be really cool
– Mark Hamill is Awesome. Period.
Happy Christmas!!!
Jessie Robertson