Disney+ has released a poster and trailer for The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild, the sixth instalment in the animated adventure franchise. Directed by John C. Donkin, the movie follows possum brothers Crash and Eddie as they set out to find a place of their own, and find themselves embarking on a mission with new friends to save the Lost World from dinosaur domination; check them out here…
“The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild continues the hilarious escapades of the sub-zero heroes as they create more prehistoric pandemonium. Eager for a little independence, the thrill-seeking possum brothers Crash and Eddie set out to find a place of their own but soon find themselves trapped beneath the ice in a massive cave inhabited by dinosaurs. They are rescued by the one-eyed, adventure-loving weasel Buck Wild, and together, with the help of some new friends, embark on a mission to save the Lost World from dinosaur domination.”
The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild arrives on Disney+ on January 28th.