HBO Max has released a teaser trailer and key art for The Sex Lives of College Girls, the upcoming comedy drama series from creators Mindy Kaling and Justin Noble which follows four roommates as they adjust to life in their prestigious New England college; take a look here…
THE SEX LIVES OF COLLEGE GIRLS follows four college roommates as they arrive at New England’s prestigious Essex College. A bundle of contradictions and hormones, these girls are equal parts lovable and infuriating as they live out their new, free lives on campus.
The series stars Pauline Chalamet, Amrit Kaur, Renee Rapp, and Alya Chanelle Scott as freshman roommates Kimberly, Bela, Leighton, and Whitney alongside Midori Francis, Gavin Leatherwood, Chris Meyer, Ilia Isorelys Paulino, Lauren Spencer, and Renika Williams.
The Sex Lives of College Girls premieres on HBO Max on November 25th.