After the heroic adventures in space with Codename: MAT, we’re brought down to Earth with a very large bang as our role in life becomes one in which you have to deal with everybody’s daily rubbish: Number #86 is Trashman published by New Generation Software from way back in 1984.
Though the idea of a computer game in which your primary goal is to wander up and down numerous garden paths, lifting bins, dumping household waste then returning the now smelly empty bin may not sound overly exciting, Michael E. Evans – the man behind 3D Monster Maze on the ZX81 and ZX Spectrum – created a game in which not only incorporated the traffic dodging world of Frogger, but also brought in the rather frantic nerve-shredding time/bonus watching life of stick figure binman, as you guided him around trying not to walk on the grass, watching as the bin lorry constantly moved on and dealt with the residents who offered you bonus time at the cost of losing site of your said bin lorry. This game was excellent and still is!
There were two following sequels to Trashman, however neither lived up to the classic that was the original and best.
SEE ALSO: Follow the rest of the Your Sinclair Top 100 ZX Spectrum Games
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