14: Vs Kane – WrestleMania XX (12-0)
Taker’s second match with little brother Kane at WrestleMania 20 saw the return of The Deadman after Kane had buried The American Badass at Survivor Series a few months prior.
The match sits right in the middle of a jam-packed WrestleMania card and doesn’t have much time to do stuff with. Seeing Taker return as The Deadman at the time, with Paul Bearer shouting ‘Oh Yeah’ when the lights went out in the arena was a spine-tingling moment and the ending, which saw Kane chokeslam Taker, only for The Phenom to sit straight back up after and deliver the tombstone was a pretty awesome mark out moment at the time.
13: Vs Mark Henry – WrestleMania 22 (14-0)
Mark Henry was still a few years away from his incredible hall of pain push at this point but this was the first time in a while that the big guy had been used in a serious match up. It was also the first and only time Taker had wrestled in a casket match at WrestleMania.
The match itself is fairly plodding but serviceable. It features some nice spots and Taker performs his classic dive to the outside at one point during the encounter. This is the very definition of an ‘okay’ match.
12: Vs Kevin Nash – WrestleMania 12 (5-0)
The Undertaker’s first four WrestleMania matches ranged from terrible to average and his match with Big Daddy Cool at WrestleMania 12 was easily the best he had to this point.
Nash was at his best in the WWE at this point his career and has admitted that getting to face Taker at WrestleMania brought out the best in him as well. The two had a solid match that would have been a contender for match of the night had it not been for WrestleMania 12’s main event.
11: Vs Kane – WrestleMania 14 (7-0)
Kane’s debut at Bad Blood back in 1997 was one of the most exciting debuts in the history of the company. Debuting in the final moments of the first ever Hell in a Cell match to cost Taker against Shawn Michaels, The Big Red Machine made quite the impact on the WWE universe.
Once the backstory between the pair had been fully established this feud become red-hot and Taker’s supposed fear of Kane before the Mania match only added to the occasion.
The match itself is fairly typical of what we have come to expect from Kane and Taker, but the storyline and the build to this match made it a must see.
10: Vs Ric Flair – WrestleMania 18 (10-0)
Considering Ric Flair’s age at the time of this match up it was an incredibly brutal affair. Both men really want at it here and the two had a great chemistry in the ring. Taker was a heel at the time and was playing the role to perfection.
Of course, there was plenty of blood involved. Arn Anderson, interrupting on Flair’s behalf even ended up a bloody mess for his efforts. The match is a solid and often forgotten entry into The Streak.
9: Vs Triple H – WrestleMania 27 (19-0)
The Undertaker Vs Triple H at WrestleMania 27 is great, but it’s probably the weakest of the three encounters the two had at WrestleMania.
The match had the unfortunate task of following on from Taker’s two incredible WrestleMania matches with Shawn Michaels and you could tell that Trips really wanted to top them.
The match is full of huge moments, but it feels at time like it is trying too hard. Taker kicks out of three pedigrees, Triple H kicks out of a tombstone and then the finish sees Taker force Hunter to tap after a lengthy hells gate. It was easily the best match on the night though and is another awesome entry into the incredible seven match run put on between WrestleMania 23-29.
8: Vs Randy Orton – WrestleMania 21 (13-0)
2005 was the year that WWE really began to recognise the feud. Randy Orton was on fire at the time as The Legend Killer and his latest goal was to take down The Undertaker at WrestleMania, breaking the streak.
The match was a clear step up in quality as well and is still probably Orton’s best solo Mania outing to date. Taker got the win with his trusty old tombstone, despite some outside interference from Bob Orton. In hindsight outside of Lesnar this was the only real time it would have made sense to have ended the streak.