The third instalment in the current Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-Man franchise was originally set to begin filming this summer after star Tom Holland wrapped on his current video game adaptation Uncharted. However, after the recent delay to the long-awaited video game movie due to the current global health crisis, Holland is now unsure of the filming schedule for Spider-Man 3 and Uncharted – including which film he will be shooting first once production returns.
“I’m not too sure,” Holland said on Jimmy Kimmel Live. “I was in Berlin, making a film called Uncharted with Mark Wahlberg. We were all ready to go, we went to set for day one of shooting, and then we got shut down and we got sent home. So whether we shoot that movie first or we shoot Spider-Man first, I’m not clear. But both movies are being made and they’re both really strong and the scripts are fantastic, so whatever happens, happens.”
Recently, Sony has delayed the majority of its upcoming release schedule due to the current situation, including the Uncharted movie which was originally set for 5th March 2021, but has now been pushed back to 8th October 2021. Additionally, as Spider-Man 3 wasn’t included in the line-up of delays, this could mean Sony will focus on the web-slinger first before moving ahead with Uncharted.
Spider-Man 3 will see Jon Watts returning to the director’s chair with Tom Holland (Peter Parker) and Zendaya (MJ) reprising their roles with a release date currently set for 16th July 2021. Further details regarding the story and cast are being kept under wraps, however, there has been speculation that the fan-favourite villain Kraven the Hunter could be making a debut appearance on the big screen.
While Uncharted is set to be directed by Ruben Fleischer (Venom, Zombieland: Double Tap) with a cast that includes Tom Holland (Spider-Man: Far From Home) as Nathan Drake and Mark Wahlberg (Mile 22) as Sully as well as Antonio Banderas (Pain and Glory), Sophia Ali (Truth or Dare), and Tati Gabrielle (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) in undisclosed roles.
Are you looking forward to Spider-Man 3 and Uncharted? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @flickeringmyth…