In addition to relaunching the Spider-Man franchise with Marvel Studios and Spider-Man: Homecoming, Sony is preparing to launch a series of spinoff movies, beginning with the R-rated Venom solo film, which will see Zombieland’s Ruben Fleischer directing Tom Hardy in the lead role.
Fan reaction to Hardy nabbing the role has been mostly positive, and Peter Parker himself, Tom Holland seems to agree. Speaking during a Homecoming press conference, the actor stated that: “It’s very exciting. I think Tom Hardy will really play that character with, you know, a lot of energy, a lot of life. It can be a very cool movie.”
Although producer Amy Pascal has teased a possible Spider-Man appearance in Venom, Holland went on to say that as of right now, he’s not aware of any plan for him to feature in the movie: “It’s not something I know about or involved in. As of now, I’m just focusing on Spider-Man:Homecoming and a little bit of Avengers: Infinity War — but I don’t know anything about that movie.”
Admittedly, the spinoff situation is all very confusing at present, but let’s just focus on the good things in life, like the web-slinger officially being a part of the MCU.
Venom is set for release on October 5th 2018 and is the first of Sony’s planned Spider-Man spinoffs. The second, titled Silver & Black, will focus on the characters of Silver Sable and the Black Cat.