Back in November Disney CEO Bob Iger revealed that John Lasseter would return to helm a fourth instalment of Pixar’s super successful Toy Story series. Little to no details were divulged except for the fact that Lasseter loves “these characters so much, they are like family to us…We don’t want to do anything with them unless it lives up to or surpasses what’s gone before.”
And now the first plot details have started to filter out.
Speaking to Disney Latino, studio president Jim Morris had some very interesting things to say about what direction Toy Story 4 will be taking. The following has been translated from Spanish to English:
“It is not a continuation of the end of the story of Toy Story 3. Temporarily it is, but it will be a love story. It will be a romantic comedy. It will not put much focus on the interaction between the characters and children. I think it will be a very good movie…The third movie ended in a beautiful way and completed a trilogy. I think this movie is not part of this trilogy. It is a separate story, which in turn I do not know if will be continued. Never begin a project with that in mind.”
The comments do seem vague and the initial statement from Disney promised that we’d be revisiting the same characters so I wouldn’t get too worried about the “love story” comment. However it does feel like Toy Story 4 could be more in the vein of the recent shorts.
Rashida Jones and Will McCormack (Celeste and Jesse Forever) are writing the script together and according to reports it is “evolving very well.”
Toy Story 4 will be released on June 16th 2017.