Ahead of its digital release this Monday, a trailer has arrived online for writer-director Tharun Mohan’s upcoming horror The Darkness which stars Amelia Eve and Cyril Blake as a couple who move to a remote home in Ireland to escape their hectic London lives, only to find themselves embroiled in a century long mystery of possessions, changelings and witchcraft; watch the trailer here…
Spanning one hundred years, and filled with mythology and folklore we start in the present day where writer Lisa (Amelia Eve – The Haunting Of Bly Manor) and entrepreneur David (Cyril Blake – The Waiting Game) are desperate for a brief escape from their hectic London lives. They take up residence in an old remote home in Ballyvadlea, Ireland, where Lisa has plans to start writing her new book and David has a business plan to work on…but the house has other ideas.
When strange things start to occur Lisa uses her investigative skills and discovers a memoir of a woman called Niav (Katherine Hartshorne – Happiest Day) and delves deep into the past. But unlocking long closed doors has awoken a dormant evil spirit…and now the nightmare begins.
As the couple find themselves embroiled in a century long mystery of possessions, changelings and witchcraft, their only hope of help comes in the form of a strange priest named George.
Can they escape the demonic entity and the dark past deep in the walls of this terror filled domain?