The CW has released a trailer for Good Cop/Bad Cop, the upcoming comedy drama series which follows the sibling detective team Lou (Leighton Meester) and Henry (Luke Cook) as they deal with the colourful residents of their small town under the watchful eye of their police chief father (Clancy Brown); watch the trailer below…
GOOD COP/BAD COP is a one-hour procedural dramedy centered around Lou (Leighton Meester, “Gossip Girl”) and Henry (Luke Cook, “Katy Keene,” “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”), an odd couple sister and brother detective team in a small Pacific Northwest police force. They must contend with colorful residents, a serious lack of resources, and their very complicated dynamic with each other and with their police chief, Big Hank (Clancy Brown, “Dexter: New Blood,” “Billions”) — who happens to be their father.
Good Cop/Bad Cop premieres on February 19th.