Starz has released the first trailer for its upcoming horror comedy Shining Vale. Starring Courteney Cox (Scream) and Greg Kinnear (The Stand), the series sees Cox as a struggling writer who wonders if she’s depressed, or possessed by a ghost named Rosemary, a woman who murdered her family in the new house Pat and her family just moved into. Watch the trailer here…
Patricia “Pat” Phelps (Courteney Cox) is a former “wild child” who rose to fame by writing a raunchy, drug-and-alcohol-soaked women’s empowerment novel (a.k.a. lady porn). Fast forward 17 years later, Pat is clean and sober but totally unfulfilled. She still hasn’t written her second novel, she can’t remember the last time she had sex with her husband (Greg Kinnear), and her teenage kids are at that stage where they want you dead. She was a faithful wife until her one slip-up: she had a torrid affair with the hot, young handyman who came over to fix the sink while Terry was at work. In a last-ditch effort to save their marriage, she and Terry cash in all their savings and move the family move from the “crazy” of the city to a large, old house in the suburbs that has a storied past of its own. Everyone has their demons, but for Pat Phelps, they may be real.
Shining Vale premieres on March 6th on Starz.
Ricky Church – Follow me on Twitter for more movie news and nerd talk.