Trinity Films has announced the upcoming release of Buttercup Bill, the debut feature from New York filmmakers Remy Bennett and Emilie Richard-Froozan, which will be the first production for Sadie Frost and Emma Comley’s new company Blonde to Black Pictures. Buttercup Bill is scheduled for release in Cinemas, On Demand and DVD in the UK this coming August.
Described as a “Southern Gothic Romance” Buttercup Bill tells the story of a twisted romance between lifelong friends Patrick (Evan Louison – Not Dark Yet) and Pernilla (Remy Bennett – The Wolf of Wall Street), who are mutually obsessed, but clinging on to dark secrets. Travelling from the seedy, neon-lit New York bar scene to a nameless town in the sweaty and whisky-soaked Deep South, Pernilla seeks comfort from Patrick after the suicide of their childhood playmate. At first innocent and playful, their chemistry soon gives way to subversive games of sexual jealousy, making unwitting pawns of those around them. As the lines between love and cruelty; fantasy and reality become blurred, the question of whether they can or even should be together forever looms.
Cedric Behrel the co-founder and director of Trinity Film explains how he believes Buttercup Bill will help Trinity Films to continue to pursue its guiding motivation: “Whether in breakthrough films like Import/Export or Incendies, or debuts such as The Comedian and Involuntary, we have always been motivated by discovery and offering the audience something bold, uncharted and that carries an element of fear and desire, and Buttercup Bill is just that.” He added: “Once again we’re proud to present another exciting debut by talented, promising and all-female film-makers such as Remy, Emilie, Emma and Sadie.”
Meanwhile Blonde to Black Pictures’ Sadie Frost and Emma Comley commented: “We are thrilled to be partnering with Cedric and Trinity for the release of our first feature Buttercup Bill in the UK this Summer. Trinity is the perfect fit for Blonde to Black and Buttercup Bill. They have released some of our favourite movies by some great directors. We love the ethos of the company and it feels like a natural union”.