Fox Animation is in development on a movie adaptation of Peter, Paul and Mary’s 1963 folk song Puff, the Magic Dragon, with Trolls helmer Mike Mitchell attached to direct a live-action/animation hybrid feature.
Puff, the Magic Dragon tells of an ageless dragon called Puff and his playmate Jackie Paper, a young boy who grows up and loses interest in the imaginary adventures of childhood, leaving Puff alone.
The song was previously adapted for the small screen with a 1978 TV special, with Burgess Meredith lending his voice to Puff. The TV special was followed by two sequels in Puff the Magic Dragon in the Land of the Living Lies, and Puff and the Incredible Mr. Nobody.
Mitchell’s latest movie Trolls has grossed over $300 million at the worldwide box office, and is showing in cinemas now.