True Detective: Night Country, the fourth season of HBO’s hit anthology series, has added several actors to star alongside season leads Jodie Foster and Kali Reis. Per Deadline, John Hawkes (Winter’s Bone), Christopher Eccleston (The Leftovers), Fiona Shaw (Killing Eve), Finn Bennett (Domina) and Anna Lambe (Three Pines) will star in the upcoming season.
The fourth season will follow “Detectives Liz Danvers and Evangeline Navarro who are looking to solve the case of six men that operate the Tsalal Arctic Research Station vanishing without a trace, when the long winter night falls in Ennis, Alaska. The pair will have to confront the darkness they carry in themselves and dig into the haunted truths that lie buried under the eternal ice.”
Hawkes will play Hank Prior, “a police officer with old grudges hiding under a quiet surface.”
Eccleston will portray Ted Corsaro, “the regional Chief of Police and a political animal with a long history tying him to Liz Danvers”.
Shaw is Rose Aguineau, “a survivalist with a past full of secrets.”
Bennett will play Peter Prior, “Liz Danvers’ protégé and apprentice— both for better or worse.”
Lambe will portray Kayla Malee, “a young nurse with little patience for anybody that messes with her family.”
True Detective: Night Country is being developed by Issa López, Barry Jenkins and Alan Page Arriaga. López will direct the season and co-write with Arriaga while Jenkins will executive produce alongside Foster.
Ricky Church – Follow me on Twitter for more movie news and nerd talk.