Canadian based independent developer Alina Digital have announced that this year will bring two new DLCs to their turn based RTS Arms Race – The Cold War Era which is available on Steam. The United Nations DLC pack will arrive next month on 23rd May with the Politics DLC set to arrive in September. Both DLC packs will be a blessing for those into the historically inspired games.
Arms Race – The Cold War Era is a game that looks at the epic cold war between the US and USSR. It was a time when the whole world experienced the real fear of a nuclear apocalypse and TV stations provided information on how to survive a nuclear bomb during the adverts to Coronation Street or Dallas. It’s safe to say that considering no nukes were dropped that we had a pretty good outcome to the war but can you do any better? Arms Race sets out to see if you can improve on the real world and defeat your opponent with military might, stealthy spies and advances in Space Race technology.
In the United Nations DLC players will get to experience greatly improved diplomacy and talk to representatives of the UNs Security Council. This DLC will introduce two new mechanics; Political prestige are monthly earned points and are required to submit resolutions such as interventions, peacekeeping etc. The second new mechanic is status of the Aggressor. The USA or USSR will be declared as the aggressor when it starts a war in any country for whatever reason.
The Politics DLC which arrives in September will include the new feature – Election. For this new feature all politicians are divided in two groups, the first group is Liberals and Conservatives while the second is Diplomatic, Economic and Militaristic. During an election politicians must be chosen to fill three slots and form a new government with additional slots being available when changes are made to the constitution. However, changes will need to be considered as they can result in negative Global Consequences.
If you are a fan of tinkering with major historical events then these are DLCs too look out for.