Following The Rise of Ultraman and The Trials of Ultraman, Marvel Comics has announced that Tsuburaya Productions’ iconic hero is set to return this August for the new five-issue limited series Ultraman: The Mystery of the Ultraseven from writers Kyle Higgins and Mat Groom and rising star artist Davide Tinto.
“Kyle and I’s reimagination of this universe started with a long-term masterplan – which is why we featured Dan Moroboshi’s mysterious disappearance in the very first pages of The Rise of Ultraman,” said Mat Groom as part of the official announcement. “It’s so exciting to have reached the stage where we can now pull back the curtain on that mystery… and its world-shaking implications!”
SEE ALSO: Shin Ultraman movie gets a poster and trailers
Giant Kaiju roam. A sinister conspiracy consolidates power. And there’s nobody left to stop it — because Ultraman is GONE! How did the situation go so wrong…? And how can the United Science Patrol claw their way back from the brink? The answers lie in the appearance of an enigmatic new Ultra, and a secret that has remained hidden for decades. From distant stars to lost dimensions, untangling this twisted web will require Shin Hayata to go farther and fight harder than ever before!
Ultraman: The Mystery of Ultraseven will launch with a special double-sized debut issue in August.