CBS is developing a reboot to the 70s family comedy, The Brady Bunch. The original show was created by Sherwood Schwartz and ran on ABC from 1969-1974. It focused on a marriage between a widowed architect with three sons and a single mother with three daughters.
The reboot is being written by Mike Mariano (Raising Hope, My Name Is Earl) and will be executive produced by Vince Vaughn (Wedding Crashers, The Watch). The new show will follow Bobby Brady, one of the boys from the original, who is divorced and has his own children now. He gets remarried to a woman who has kids as well and they have a child of their own. The ex-spouses will also be a part of the family, showing how the definition of family has changed since the original show.
Aside from Vince Vaughn, Mike Mariano will also be an executive producer, as well as Lloyd Schwartz, the son of the original show’s creator Sherwood Schwartz. Victoria Vaughn and Peter Billingsley (A Christmas Story) are also set to produce through Vince Vaughn’s Wild West Picture Show Production. Wild West Pictures is currently having success with their TBS show Sullivan & Son, so they might be a perfect fit for a Brady Bunch remake.