JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure was renewed for a fourth season, titled Golden Wind after the manga’s eponymous arc of the same name. Today, Golden Wind has officially been acquired for distribution by the American company VIZ Media, which is famous for licensing many anime and manga series for English-speaking audiences, including: Bleach, Naruto, and Pokémon.
In addition to having the standard home media rights, VIZ also owns the online and TV broadcast rights, meaning audiences won’t have to look far to get instant access to Golden Wind when it debuts in October this year.
But wait, there’s even more good news for fans of the anime! As we have seen in the past with Death Note and Attack on Titan, production companies have been working to create live-action adaptations of popular anime. This was also the case with JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, where it got a live-action movie in August 2017 titled Diamond Is Unbreakable Chapter I. Despite coming out last year, there was unfortunately no real way for North American audiences to gain access to it on home media.
Well, thanks to the executives at VIZ, that is no longer the case. Just like with Golden Wind, fans will now be able to check out Diamond Is Unbreakable Chapter I on home media, online mediums, and possibly even television depending on who is given the license.
For more information on JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and other anime and manga titles distributed and published by VIZ Media, please visit