Back in the summer, Disney and Lucasfilm released a series of animated shorts entitled Star Wars: Forces of Destiny, detailing the exploits of the female heroes of the galaxy far, far away, including the likes of Rey, Leia Organa, Ahsoka Tano, Padme Amidala, Sabine Wren and Jyn Erso. We posted the first season of shorts as they were released [watch them here], and now Disney has debuted the full second season, which we have for you in the videos below…
About Gary Collinson
Gary Collinson is a film, television and digital content producer and writer, founder of the pop culture website, and producer of the upcoming gothic horror feature film 'The Baby in the Basket'. He previously spent a decade teaching and lecturing in film and media, and is also the author of the book 'Holy Franchise, Batman! Bringing the Caped Crusader to the Screen'.