To sum up, both Infinity War and The Last Jedi tried to do similar things. They both wanted to tell a story about heroes that broke the mould that the previous films in their respective franchises set. Infinity War did this wonderfully, shifting the focus to the antagonist and even killing of some key players, all while maintaining a clear sense of heroic morality. The Last Jedi, on the other hand, simply changed aspects of the universe without explanation, ignored necessary character development, and sincerely tried to push a warped sense of morality. Worst of all, it’s impact on the greater narrative of the saga was minimal – hardly making it the game changer set out to be.
But what do you think? Did you love The Last Jedi and hate Infinity War? Did you like both, or even neither? Or do you just want to hurl abuse at me for still whinging about The Last Jedi five months after it’s release? Whatever you think, drop a comment here or on Facebook and I’ll do my best to reply.
Thanks for reading.
James Turner is a writer and musician based in Sheffield. You can follow him on Twitter @JTAuthor