It’s fair to say that everyone feared the worst for the adaptation of Max Brooks’ novel World War Z. From the dodgy trailers to the last-minute re-writes and ending changes, it looked like we were heading for a complete disaster. But, remarkably, World War Z turned out alright (if you ignore that it’s based on a book it has nothing to do with).
It was a box office success too, taking $540 million worldwide, which promoted talk of a sequel. But, since then, it’s been a bit quiet.
Locke writer and director Steven Knight has been hired to write the script for World War Z 2 and spoke to Indiewire about its status. “I thought, ‘why not? What fun.'” he said on his decision write the script. “It’s not quite like the other; we’re starting with clean slate. When [Paramount and Plan B have] signed off, we’re on.”
Sadly, the interview didn’t press to find out if “clean slate” meant they weren’t following Brad Pitt’s character from the first movie or whether they were starting all over again. So, time will tell for now.
No release date has been set for World War Z 2, but it is thought to start production in October 2015.